Who We Are
Symphoney grew from the desire by a group of friends to make a positive impact in the lives of other.
They started by investing together in what was to become the Bron Group of Companies. The seed capital for Symphoney came from this company and group of individuals.
The name Symphoney brings together three elements:
1. One
We strive to live life for an audience of One. The “One” being Jesus Christ as the only truth and savior. All our actions should be as a result of a realisation that He is in control of our lives and He determines our steps. We are thus not out to please people or just act in accordance with societies expectation. We live to honour God and advance His Kingdom as a body of believers. Thus also our slogan: “ As one for the One”
2. Symphony
The Kingdom of God is like a symphony orchestra. In an orchestra, the musicians are professionals and they have practiced years to be masters of their instruments. They however bring 100% of their skill, attention and focus under the authority of the conductor. God conducts his symphony. If the musicians play only at the instruction of the conductor at the precise moment at the exact pitch and volume required, a magnificent symphony is created. At the end of the performance, the conductor gets the standing ovation, the honour and the glory.
Our world is out of tune and a mess because people are not humble and obedient enough to only play their part. Everyone wants to be in the spotlight. We strive merely to be instruments and let the honour fall where it is due and so let the symphony playing in heaven echo on earth.
3. Money
Money is often referred to as the root of all evil. We believe that money can be a powerful tool to right the wrongs of society and advance His Kingdom forcefully. We believe we are mere stewards and all money belongs to God. We strive to take control of money as God intended and in so doing use this to advance His Kingdom. God builds His Kingdom and merely uses money as one of the tools.